Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Star Wars.com

Greetings fellow bloggers and readers,

Ok, this has been going on for a few years now but its starting to get worse. The official Star Wars website (Http://www.starwars.com) has been getting to be more and more exclusive material over the last few years. It seems that most things on the website now are only open to "fan club" members. No more reading blogs for free. No more watching cool little clips, articles or other fun stuff. I remember when the website was entirely free.

Maybe I am just being a baby because I don't want to plop down $30+ to get access to material which in all honesty is not that great. Maybe its because I refuse to additionally fund that money whore George Lucas. I mean the guy releases a new set of DVDs each year to continually rape the wallets of Star Wars fans across the world. First it was the Original Trilogy Box Set that came out a few years ago with the additional raping of our childhood memories by adding additional unnecessary material. Then the next year he releases the original cuts of the Original trilogy. I refused to buy any Star Wars DVDs until he releases his ultimate set and I know he will. I will be all six episodes with tons of extra stuff not on the other DVDs, plus the original and altered versions of the original trilogy. So I am not feeding that whore George Lucas.

Anyway that is my tirade for now. I intended for my post today to be about the title of my blog but I just had to get this off my chest.

Faithful to the Mission of Christ Jesus,

Adam J. Bulava


Over the last few years I have come to know the product of one ambitious young many very well. His name is Rayan Sohmer. He is the talented writer behind two web comics that I just love and enjoy on a daily basis.

The first is Least I Could Do (http://www.leasticoulddo.com), which is a story about a Sex fiend 25 year old by the name of Rayne Summers. His main attribute is the god complex he has with himself and the fact that he claims to have been with 1,000+ women. This comic spans back to 2003 and the quality and hilarity of the stories has increased with every year. It is also about his friends and the interesting hijinks they get themselves into. If you have a few spare hours check it out. I would start back at the beginning so you can really see what this guy and his friends are all about. Granted the art work is not the best, but it get really good when Lars Desouza comes on board.

The second is barely a year old already and is called Looking for Group (http://www.lfgcomic.com), which is a comic take on the world of Online Role-Playing games, again in a slightly humorous fashion. This comic seems to be getting big and fast. They are planning on making it available to the general public for consumption at your local comic book stores but only if you let the stores know your interested. Here is how you can do that

1) Call up local comic store. You can find that by clicking this link: http://www.lfgcomic.com/locator/
2) Ask them purchase this comic, with the information listed below:

Looking For Group
By Ryan Sohmer & Lar deSouza
As Seen on Page 245 of the August Issue of Previews
Item # AUG073444

Also they are starting on making a full length movie on this comic as well. Embedded below is a four minute preview that explains one of the characters pretty darn well. Enjoy.

Anyway that will be the end of my post for today. Just thought I would get that information out for you. Enjoy and have a nice day.

Faithful to Mission of Christ Jesus,

Adam J. Bulava