To my loyal readers,
I know I suck at posting blogs in a regular fashion. Thanks for sticking with me. I want to get better at this but I do need feedback. I have ideas of how I can be more consistent in writing and additional writing topics to my repetorie. Here is what I have so far in terms of posts.
News of the Day: These are articles in which I summarize and analyze the important news stories of the day. Is their a news story in which you want to get my feedback? Send them to me.
Public Policy: In these articles I look at a particular area of public policy in governance and give my common sense solutions and views on those policies. I am open to suggestions as to what public policy issues I can address. Please send me your ideas.
My Perfect School: In this article I describe some of the basic principles and ideas that will be used when I get the opportunity to build my perfect school. I would like other teachers who would want to contribute ideas to send them to me and/or serve as a guest writer to explain their ideas. Please feel free to contribute your ideas.
Government Lessons: These articles address some topic in which I want to teach my readers about. These lessons have been focused on the U.S. Constitution. In the comping months and weeks I will be bring that series to a close. Other things I have considered is teaching about "The Federalists Papers" or other political and government writings. If their are topics or writings you would like to see me address please let me know.
Those are my biggest categories of posts in the last year. Here are a few more ideas I have.
Book Reviews: Those of you who know me know that I read a lot. Maybe its time I reviewed the books that I read. Tell me what you think.
The News Cycle: In this article I would address the key news stories of the current news cycle. This would be a derivative of my News of the Day articles. More like a week in review.
Personal Posts: I have avoided personal articles mostly because I like being all business. I fear posting this stuff because I don't want to share to much about my personal life and embarrass myself, the people I know and love, or where I work. That could be a dangerous road to walk.
Another idea I had was only posting on specific days (i.e. Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, etc.). It would make it easier for me to make a due date if I had a day or two to come up with a topic and write about it. The one thing I have learned from my favorite online comic strips is that they are consistent. The key piece of advice he says to new web comic writers is to be on time. Don't say you are going to post at midnight three days a week unless you can do it. That is good advice to follow for anybody with followers. Though I am not sure what days work best though. Let me know what you think on the days would be best to have me post.
I have a few more ideas about articles but they have skipped my mind at this moment. What would you, my readers, like to see coming out of this blog? I want to know! As always, thanks for reading.
May you all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!