This post is dedicated to the 188 Congressmen who this week voted against the chosen one's spending (not stimulus) package. While the voting was primarily along party lines, there were 11 people I would like specially recogized. These 11 people are the democrats who chose to vote against their party. I only hope the Republicans and a few Democrats can hold off the vote as long as possible in the Senate with a filibuster. We don't need $825 Billion spent in ways that will not create jobs. But here is to the Democrats:
Allen Boyd (FL-23)
Bobby Bright (AL-2)
Jim Cooper (TN-5)
Brad Ellsworth (IN-8)
Parker Griffith (AL-5)
Paul Kanjorski (PA-11)
Frank Kratovil (MD-1)
Walter Minnick (ID-1)
Collin Peterson (MN-7)
Heath Schuler (NC-11)
Gene Taylor (MS-4)
Also, Dean Heller (R-NV-2) - Thanks Dean since I knew we couldn't count on Berkley and Titus to do that right thing.
Have a good day everyone.